Welcome to hinty.io blog
Here you will find the best stories and professional advices from our team

How to proxy port from WSL2 to another device in Wi-Fi network
Learn how to proxy port from WSL2 into external physical network

ECDSA on python explained: Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm

Running GUI apps in WSL 2

Use Painterro with react

Prepare Figma exports for scriptimate

Deploy Docker/Compose using Woodpecker CI

General about position

v-model implementation in Vue.js 3

Exponential random in python
Git hint

Devforth test task - Vue.js frontend/fullstack
Devfirth test task

Change MediaRecorder frame rate

Get dominant color from base64 encoded string using ColorThief

Spawn local DNS server for development (instead of /etc/hosts file)

Docker hint

Chaining animations in transitions

Simple way to split data handling logic in complex React Redux app

Using Cognito to authorize users

SPA vs SSR difference

Deploy SPA with servereless: easy practical guide

Serverless framework lifehack that could save you hundreds of hours

Why businesses select cloud: price vs simplicity of scale trade-off

How to create an AWS Account

Easy practical guide to serverless framework with AWS

How to add Painterro into Angular app

How to debug regexpes in Nginx
1 Сущность понятия «Деловые коммуникации». Понятие коммуникативной грамо

How to test dark mode preference in a browser

Django translations: Quick Guide

C++ notations

How to install the exact python version on Ubuntu/Windows WSL 2

What is pipenv and how to install it

Blocking vs asynchronous programming

Install postgres. Create DB and user in CLI

SQL Query Optimization: Understanding Key Principle

Regexp to parse URL

Prisma ORM: how to use the great database mapping package

Elastic IP AWS for your EC2 instance

How to convert CommonJS/amd/umd npm package into browser script

Create an egg file example

Branching in JavaScript

How to use Binary UUIDs in Prisma with MySQL

Log Django exceptions to Slack

The fastest way to clean up disk space on server

Setup OpenVPN server on Ubuntu 22.04

Autostart multiple commands in VSCode terminal

CSS Basics – everything you need to know
![`img for Changing color themes in CSS [Simple method] article`](https://s.hinty.io/9MMPcF6JJzLBcYMPPUBKzL.jpg)
Changing color themes in CSS [Simple method]

Animation formulas

Talks every programmer should watch

How to extract text from image in Python
Условия использования Хинти

Install docker on Raspberry PI

Хинти как рабочий способ изучить разработку програмного обеспечения

How to redirect www with cloudflare

Fix the script tag contains invalid JSON that cannot be parsed
Allow only HTTP and SSH incoming connections
Python: find all occurrences in string
Python: get file extension

Our colleague did not care about security and we pranked him

Create webpack library from scratch

Fix __webpack_imported_module_ is not a function for webpack5

DNS exfiltration of data: step-by-step simple guide

Multiple Painterro instances on one page
Fix no hdmi sound on Lenovo IdeaPad

WSL 1 vs WSL 2: the background

How to install WSL 2: Best way to run real Linux on Windows!

Установка WSL 2 в Windows

Как запустить python файл через консоль

i18n in Vue3 with locale messages in single file components
![`img for NPM install killed without a reason [Fixed] article`](https://s.hinty.io/BrLpDos8apbS86Ds4BQWCh.png)
NPM install killed without a reason [Fixed]
![`img for Failed to load response data [How to fix] article`](https://s.hinty.io/TGwfE2fgi67Ht2NvbukXXK.png)
Failed to load response data [How to fix]

How your website will be hacked if you have no CSRF protection

Бинарный поиск
How to allow root SSH access for AWS EC2

How to install wordpress on subdomain or on a new domain easily

How to become a Genius: Just do notes!
Run python script in background

Font awesome cheat sheet 🐱💻
How to fix only size-1 arrays can be converted to python scalars
How to fix recursionerror: maximum recursion depth exceeded
[Easy Python] replace multiple characters
What does * mean in python

When impaired by alcohol, hippocampus makes your memory disconnected
Module has no attribute [Python is easy]
Check if mysql is installed on Ubuntu
![`img for AWS batch: use cloud power for batch processing [Simple example] article`](https://s.hinty.io/nRn7xcqRaBfemrZAFJA7KU.png)
AWS batch: use cloud power for batch processing [Simple example]

Python not implemented exception

Weighted average python
![`img for CRUD in python [Simplest example] article`](https://s.hinty.io/SRV3gKfCwa4NDoG9QQCDTr.png)
CRUD in python [Simplest example]
Learn python – find index of all occurrences in list
How to count unique values in the list

Java vs javascript – who won this fight?

How to create a database in MySQL CLI
Scp background execution

Scp - not a regular file - how to fix

Convert CSV, Excel, PDF, QFX, QBO, OFX, QIF, MT940, STA to CSV or Excel
[Easy Python] int object is not callable

Install Mac OS on VirtualBox
Check if string is substring of another in python
![`img for How to backup SQL Database [Simple ready to use script] article`](https://s.hinty.io/DCjmv7rxsm3YyzJyhivhir.png)
How to backup SQL Database [Simple ready to use script]
![`img for [Easy python] loop through files in directory article`](https://s.hinty.io/JnVqdNBD2fsddqCUqo7gbd.png)
[Easy python] loop through files in directory

Remove duplicates from list in Python
[Easy Python] continue vs pass
Convert list to tuple - Python is easy
How to fix object has no attribute [Python is easy]
[Learn python] get last element in list
Tuple to string [Python is easy]
Learn python: call function from another file

What is python max int?

How to get absolute value in Python
![`img for Unsupported operand types [python is easy] article`](https://s.hinty.io/GgCzs8atPPFyhFVWvBQq67.png)
Unsupported operand types [python is easy]

Python i++ increment

WSL 2 starter guide. Must read!

Painterro dark theme

How to round the Painterro buttons

What should you do when opensource package is not maintained anymore
![`img for How to generate a webfont [automated setup] article`](https://s.hinty.io/FbB7iGhYVu3Q6SES6epBaz.png)
How to generate a webfont [automated setup]

JS paint plugin for your website 🎨

How to reset mysql root password on ubuntu

Simple way to Docker on Windows 10 home with WSL 2
How to rebuild webpack bundle only if sources were changed
Magic lantern for 1200D with silent no black screen
Enable CORS for desired site in chrome

Flask vs django | easy expert comparison

How to create folder in Python

How to load css in a lazy way with universal .js file
Assign DB per model in Django using db router

Editor code syntax highlighting in EasyMDE (ex SimpleMDE)
Pyton - what is it?

How long to learn python to start commercial development

Flask vs node: Expert comparison
[Fix for] can't open file 'manage.py': [errno 2] no such file

Fix django.db.utils.operationalerror: fe_sendauth: no password supplied

A working Hinty way to learn software development

How hinty boost the brains
Hinty Terms and Conditions of use
Hinty Private Policy

Simple way to add counts to Django admin filter
How to run program from root Ubuntu
Simplest way to generate self-signed certificate
Install pypy WSL
Measure downtime
Upload to FileField/ImageField with unique names

Extend EC2 ext3 filesystem
gpg: can't connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed

Django timezone – Часовые пояса и время на простых примерах
Move docker machine certs from one folder to another

Deploy docker-compose using Drone CI
![`img for Has been blocked by cors policy [Explain like I am 5] article`](https://s.hinty.io/TBqpEQhg5waaMmqtSCZKqf.png)
Has been blocked by cors policy [Explain like I am 5]

Glacier backup (cron script to backup any folder from linux)
Конвертация сертификата с ГОСТ2012

How to write an SCP command in terminal
Docker build is slow (or docker-compose build is slow)

Файловая система как средство организации данных на компьютере
Creating kubernetes clusters
DjangoRest + Vue+CSRF
AuthAlreadyAssociated at /complete/*/ This * account is already in use

Weighted choice in python
Kill process that listens on port number
Модели реализации иерархических структур в БД
Метапрограммирование в python
Build magic lantern firmware
Replace by regexp in go

Run Syncthing on your server
Изменение прав npm
Развертывания tilelive-сервера
Установка nodejs на Ubuntu 16.04

Raft consensus explanation

Install wordpress to ubuntu
Плагины для авторизации django rest api
fix TinyMCE Cannot read property 'setAttribute' of undefined

Publish and upload release to github with bash and curl

Using painterro with Vue.js
Deploy Django with UWSGI + NGINX + Systemd service

Fix vuex requires a Promise polyfill in this browser
@input @output
View plain and gzipped logs together
PostgresQL + PostGIS на Ubuntu 16.04
Angular2 in Windows
Установка mod_wsgi на Apache2 в Ubuntu 16.04
Drop all tables without dropping database

Align inline-block in block vertically
ECMAScript6 basic things
Convert to UCS2 and from UCS2 in JavaScript
Detect download is ready on page that started download
Django add additional range filter
Auth version of remote git pull script
Pull git reposetory on remote server
How to include jQuery into Vue.js

Change svg color in vue.js
Git recover from "unable to unlink"

HTML fixed and full column pattern

Disable CORS for development
Bind local git repository to remote
Use another key in git

Run only certain mocha test:
Create user profiles in Django if they does not exist
Zooming JS zoom only images that should be zoomed
Simple autoreload server for serving static/json files etc.
Make jwt token on registration with drf

Reflash Xiomi RedMi Note 3 Pro 📱
Make full backup of your server over ssh
Change cognito user attributes using CLI

Include custom attributes in cognito claims

Validate username available using express-validator

Cloudformation DynamoDB index with GSI

Create secodary indexes in DynamoDB example
Remove file from git repo but leave locally

Forward remote port to local using ssh
Private fields in pure js (no es6)

Parallel execution of asyncio functions
Enable asyncio debug

Run python3 in Atom

Fast upload file to AWS S3 from scratch
ESlint "window" is not defined, "document" is not defined
Example pub/sub using mongodb
Breakpoints not work in PyCharm/WebStorm/Idea node.js npm debug

Install MongoDB on Windows

Add ESLint to node project

Django social auth demo
Add timeout if SSH password is incorrect

Cannot read property 'hex' of undefined in AWS SDK

Solve "Invalid Swagger 2.0 input" when import swagger to AWS API

Frequency configuration for STM32

Enable printf via ST-Link in Keil for STM32
Use specific SSH key in git
Chmod not works in cygwin
Change mysql database character set to utf8
Fix Odd-length string in ansible-playbook
ssh-copy-id when have several pub keys
Foreman process runner with systemd
SSL certificate in webrtc2sip
Self signed certificate for nginx with openssl
Systemd units basics
Permissions for new files in linux

Install node and npm without package managers in linux
ImportError: cannot import name _uuid_generate_random

Build python pip packages under windows
Solve unable to execute 'gcc': No such file or directory
Cygwin symlinks native vs nativestrict
Solve error: unknown type name ‘u_int’ when use pip on Cygwin

Show git branch in bash on linux/windows WSL 2/cygwin prompt
Transmit datagrams (packets) via TCP

Python operator precedence (priority)
HTML to PDF in Django
Git push local branch to another repository
ssls.com with NGINX

Verify reCAPTCHA in DRF
reCAPTCHA with Vue.js example
Fix database disk image is malformed error

Network between 2 instances of OpenVPN

Install unsigned drivers (test driver mode)
Install python3 and pip3 on cygwin
Console package manager for cygwin
Dump and restore zipped DB
Store files with secured urls in Django
South makemigrations and migrate
Start Django RQ worker with supervisord
Django deploy sample config (gunicorn + nginx + supervisord)
Reload supervisord config

Django manage.py command
Datamigration in Django

Django static versioning
cd to bash script directory

Monotonic time in python
File name nextifier
Create database and user mysql
CentOS 6 set-up time

Solve SSH Host key verification failed

Resort mp3 for players that order by date
Upstart example script
Solve cross-import Django models
Pycharm Django 10 support
Load files to into application without backend in Vue
Pass dict from django to JS
Fork from Django to separate process