Deploy docker-compose using Drone CI
Here I will show the simplest and fastest way to automate the deployments for the web apps with any complexity level. We will use a secure SSH connection between the Drone CI host and the Application host. In short, the way is next:
- We will create a docker-compose description that delivers resources and apps on any machine.
- Order VPS (or dedicated) host with public IP, ssh access, and open application ports.
- Tweak SSH settings on the VPS to allow multisession connections for docker deploys.
- Create bash script which creates ssh private/public key pair inside of deployer-container, then exports
DOCKER_HOST=ssh://root@<host IP>
and runsdocker-compose up
All instructions are explained below.
We used Ubuntu 18.04
OS for my Amazon EC2 t3a.small
instance (you can use any hosting). Less than 2 GB might cause memory and subsequent hanging up issues.
You need to have the next TCP ports open:
for SSH- all ports that your application are listening on (e.g.
If you use Amazon EC2, all ports are closed by default, but you can open ports in Security Group configuration
. To do it on instance launch dialog:
Many VPS/Dedicated hosting providers have all ports open by default.
Login by keypair
Login as ubuntu
user with .pem
file downloaded from AWS Console:
ssh -i ~/xx.pem ubuntu@xxxxx
Edit file:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Add lines to the end (These settings are required to properly work with docker builds):
PermitRootLogin yes | |
MaxSessions 500 | |
MaxStartups 500 |
sudo service sshd restart
To apply changes✅.
Add your local public ssh key 🔑 content (cat ~/.ssh/
, use ssh-keygen
on your localhost, if you have no such file) to the next file on the remote host (add to beginning with one line break after):
sudo nano /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
By doing this you allow direct connection using your ssh key with a command from your OS user, like this:
ssh root@<APP_HOST_IP>
Prepare docker host
Now, on remote host, uninstall all old dockers:
sudo apt remove docker docker-engine
Installing docker
sudo apt update && sudo apt install
Prepare repository:
As an example, we will show the config for the Django project.
kind: pipeline | |
name: default | |
type: docker | |
concurrency: | |
limit: 1 | |
steps: | |
- name: slack-begin | |
image: plugins/slack | |
settings: | |
webhook: | |
from_secret: slack_webhook | |
username: Drone | |
template: > | |
{{}}/{{build.branch}} - Started #{{build.number}} "${DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE}" by ${DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR} (${DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL}) (<{{}}|Open>) | |
- name: build | |
environment: | |
from_secret: VAULT_MASTER_SSH_PRIV_KEY | |
from_secret: VAULT_MASTER_SSH_PUB_KEY | |
from_secret: VAULT_MASTER_DB_PASS | |
from_secret: VAULT_MASTER_SECRET_KEY | |
image: devforth/drone-builder | |
commands: | |
- cd deploy && /bin/bash | |
- name: slack-end | |
image: plugins/slack | |
settings: | |
webhook: | |
from_secret: slack_webhook | |
username: Drone | |
template: > | |
{{}}/{{build.branch}} - #{{build.number}} {{uppercasefirst build.status}} after {{since build.started}} (<{{}}|Open>) |
This drone file uses 5 Drone Secrets. VAULT_MASTER_SSH_PRIV_KEY
should be copied from your PC files (use cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa
for first and cat ~/.ssh/
) to Drone Vault.
- password hash for Portainer (docker admin panel), you can remove it from config if you don't need Portainer.
use next command (works on any Linux/Mac or Docker on WSL2 on windows):
docker run --rm httpd:2.4-alpine htpasswd -nbB admin 'yourPortainerPpass' | cut -d ":" -f 2
Other secrets are defined to improve application security (better to store all sensitive values in drone vault)
#!/bin/bash | |
branch=$(git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2) | |
branch=`echo $branch | sed 's/feature\///g'` | |
echo "Building branch $branch" | |
if [ -z "$VAULT_MASTER_SSH_PRIV_KEY" ]; then | |
echo "Running not on Drone (localy)" | |
else | |
mkdir -p ~/.ssh/ | |
echo "$VAULT_MASTER_SSH_PRIV_KEY" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa | |
echo "$VAULT_MASTER_SSH_PUB_KEY" > ~/.ssh/ | |
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa | |
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/ | |
eval `ssh-agent -s` | |
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa | |
echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config | |
fi | |
if [ "$branch" = "master" ]; then | |
# add more environemnts for branches here, e.g.: | |
# elif [ "$branch" = "develop" ]; then | |
else | |
echo "No configuration for branch $branch" | |
exit -1 | |
fi | |
export DOCKER_HOST=ssh://root@$HOST_DOMAIN | |
# cleanup cache from previous builds | |
docker builder prune -a -f | |
docker container prune -f | |
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q) || true | |
# build and run db image (migration will connect to db) | |
docker-compose -p stack-$branch -f docker-compose.yml -f assets/variables_$branch.yml up -d --build db | |
# build django app contanier | |
docker-compose -p stack-migrate-$branch -f docker-compose.yml -f assets/variables_$branch.yml build --compress django | |
docker-compose -p stack-migrate-$branch -f docker-compose.yml -f assets/variables_$branch.yml run --no-deps --workdir="/code/" django bash -c 'pipenv run python collectstatic --noinput' | |
docker-compose -p stack-migrate-$branch -f docker-compose.yml -f assets/variables_$branch.yml run --no-deps --workdir="/code/" django pipenv run python migrate | |
docker-compose -p stack-$branch -f docker-compose.yml -f assets/variables_$branch.yml up -d --build --remove-orphans | |
docker-compose -p stack-$branch restart nginx |
is used to reduce downtime during redeploys (migrating and collecting static actually performed before old container stopping).
version: '3.5' | |
services: | |
db: | |
network_mode: host | |
image: mysql:5.7 | |
restart: always | |
command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_bin | |
volumes: | |
- v-db-data:/var/lib/mysql | |
django: | |
network_mode: host | |
build: ../src/ | |
command: /bin/bash -c "cd /code/ && pipenv run gunicorn --worker-tmp-dir /dev/shm conf.wsgi:application --bind --workers 5 --worker-connections=1000" | |
# working_dir: /root/ | |
restart: always | |
volumes: | |
- v-django:/code/serve_static | |
nginx: | |
network_mode: host | |
build: nginx | |
restart: always | |
volumes: | |
- type: volume | |
source: v-django | |
target: /static/django | |
read_only: true | |
volume: | |
nocopy: true | |
command: /bin/bash -c "envsubst '$$CERT_NAME $$DOMAIN $$BASIC_AUTH_ENABLE' < /etc/nginx/conf.d/conf.template > /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf && nginx -g 'daemon off;'" | |
portainer: | |
image: portainer/portainer:1.24.1-alpine | |
network_mode: host | |
volumes: | |
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock | |
- v-portainer-data:/data | |
volumes: | |
v-portainer-data: | |
name: v-portainer-data | |
v-db-data: | |
name: v-db-data | |
v-django: | |
name: v-django |
network_mode: host
is recommended for better networking performance (no docker virtual DNS names resolution is available in this mode, but network performs x1.5 - x2 times better)
This file is used to configure variables per one environment.
version: '3.5' | |
services: | |
db: | |
environment: | |
- MYSQL_DATABASE=db_live | |
nginx: | |
environment: | |
- | |
- CERT_NAME=yur_site_cert | |
django: | |
environment: | |
- ENV_NAME=live | |
- DEBUG=False | |
- | |
- DATABASE_URL=mysql://root:${VAULT_MASTER_DB_PASS}@ | |
portainer: | |
command: --admin-password=${VAULT_MASTER_PORTAINER_PASSHASH} | |
Drone config might look like this: